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How to take the first steps into marketing

How to take the first steps into marketing

Marketing is an essential part of running a successful business. It often seems far out of reach, or too difficult to tackle without proper knowledge. However, nothing can be further from the truth. Most of the times, marketing is easy and very achievable. There's just one thing you need; strategy.


Over the years I've created many, many marketing strategies for SMB's. Ranging from the initial setup, to a fully fledge, multi year actionable plan. In each and every one of these cases, marketing was something everybody avoided. It was deemed expensive, inefficient and downright dangerous. With the right amount of convincing and persistence, I was able to change their presumptions and implement a winning strategy. 

What is marketing?

I'm sure there are countless of books, video's, blogs and courses about this. And interestingly enough there are many different perspectives on this matter. Marketing to me is the ability to understand your audience. It's not just about copywriting or running paid ads on social media. Marketing in its existential form is the imperative ability to understand. 

Depending on your level, the 4P's might sound familiar. They stand for Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Back in the old days, these base principles set the foundation for any organisation. But over the years most businesses have forgotten about them. Instead, they focus on profits and scaling potential, more than on these essential questions Neil Borden asked in 1953. So, in order to understand marketing, you'll have to understand these 4P's;

  • Product: Bear with me, even if you're not in the business of selling actual products, but services instead. This question seems obvious, but is a vital part in not just your marketing, but also your business strategy. What are you selling? is a better iteration of this question (don't forget the model is over 70 years old). Regardless of the form this will define what you can bring to the world. Whether you found a solution to a problem, or if you created a gimmick everybody wants. 

Understanding what it is you're offering is the first step. 

  • Price: The second most important step is understanding your price settings. It seems strange, but understanding your price compared to similar products or services can be a breakthrough in your sales potential. Is your offer fairly priced? Is it overpriced? And if it is, how can you justify that? When you're good at something, never do it for free (famous words by The Joker). Understanding your pricing will help accomplish two things; you can showcase how affordable/cheap your offer is. Or you can focus on the value it adds, which justifies the higher price. 

  • Place: In the old days, place was very simple; where is your store? In todays day and age that can be the internet, an office abroad, a coworking space, or a combination of everything. What it does is tell you a lot about potential competitors, accessibility and so on. Determine where the base of operations is. 

  • Promotion: This is the first step into your 'marketing'. How will you promote your offer? Will you buy large billboards? Or will you run expensive tv ads? Over time, this promotion can change drastically as the company evolves with the market. Long gone are the paper ads and hello to SEA. Oh, and never underestimate the power of mouth-to-mouth advertising. 

How do I start?

If all of the above makes sense to you, we can skip to the next part. If it doesn't, great! Follow these steps to get there and come back when you've completed them.

If you're entirely new to marketing, the first steps always seem the hardest. The funny thing is, anything you do is a good thing to do. Worst case scenario, you'll learn valuable lessons for the future. Best case, you'll quickly see results. Not doing anything will only push you back further. 

Understanding the why

I'm a huge fan of Simon Sinak, because he said it best. Understand the 'why'. And it is a concept I have used throughout my careers as a sales rep, marketeer, software consultant and CEO. This part is what defines why you do anything as an organisation. It relates heavily to the Product part of the 4P's. Are you solving a problem? Are you helping people? Are you saving the world? Why does your organisation have the right to exist? 

Do me a solid and answer these questions for me:

  • Why do you, as a marketeer or business owner, sell your offer? 

    • Grab a blank piece of paper and write down for yourself why you do what you do. Is your solution bringing efficiency to organisations? Or maybe relaxation to consumers? If it's not your company, ask the founder what inspired them to start the company in the first place. 

  • Why should anybody buy anything from you?

    • What could possibly be their motivation to hit that 'buy' button? Are you offering something people need? Or are you offering what they want? And if so, why do they want it?

  • Why shouldn't they go to the competition? 

    • Why do you stand out? What makes your offer and company special? 

  • What is your end-goal (business owners) 

    • Every business owner should have an end-goal in mind. It could be as obvious as wanting to be a millionaire. Or having a societal goal. Maybe you just want to sell the company and build a future for your kids? Be honest with yourself and formulate what it is you're working towards. 

Having an understanding of your why will bring you clarity in the message you spread. This message will become the undertone in all your communication. And I really mean all. Even when you're just sending an invoice or answering a helpdesk ticket. 

Mission and vision

Now that you understand why you're doing all this, it's time to formulate a mission statement. This statement should not only be on your website, but etched into the DNA of the company. 

For inspiration, take a look at the statements from some of the most famous companies in the world: 

  • Google: "To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."
  • Tesla: "To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy."
  • Apple: "To bring the best user experience to its customers through its innovative hardware, software, and services."
  • Nike: "To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world."

See a pattern here? These companies aren't just 'selling' something. They do something. It's a simple concept, but a vitally important one. I'm a fan of Apple products. Haven't always been in fact, but I switched some years ago and haven't looked back since. I didn't switch because I now get the best hardware. But I experienced their mission statement first hand. And it is like that for millions of users. And the same goes for Google, Tesla, etc.

Doing the same for your organisations will bring you clarity and a firm approach you can base not only your products and services on, but every form of communication. 

How do you make a mission statement?

Sadly, I've literally paid thousands of dollars to freelance marketers to find these holy grails. And it almost always sounds cheesy or doesn't capture the full scope. Well, hello ChatGPT! 

Do yourself a favour and ask ChatGPT the following prompt: 

{Create three short, but powerful mission statement for my company based on the following motives:}
{The answers to your 'why' questions} 

ChatGPT will process your 'why' and combine that into something you can build on. It might not be perfect, but I'm sure you can finetune it and refine it where necessary. 

Last step: Write your mission statement down with a big marker or head over to Canva and print it out in a large format. Make sure that when you're doing business you can always just look up and read your mission statement. 

Marketing Mix

Why? ✅

Mission statement? ✅

Great. Let's step into the next part of marketing. You've already been introduced to a marketing mix in this article; the 4P's. This marketing mix from the mid fifties has been a solid base for countless companies for over 70 years. But they're not the only mix out there. 

  • 7Ps Marketing Mix: This extension of the traditional 4Ps includes People, Process, and Physical Evidence in addition to Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. It is particularly relevant for service-based industries where the customer experience is paramount.

  • 8Ps Marketing Mix (Services): In addition to the 7Ps, this extended mix incorporates Partnerships. Partnerships refer to collaborations with other businesses or organisations to enhance service delivery or expand market reach.

  • 4Cs Marketing Mix: This modern alternative to the 4Ps shifts the focus from the seller to the customer. It includes Customer Needs and Wants, Cost to the Customer, Convenience, and Communication. The 4Cs emphasise customer-centricity and relationship-building.

  • 7Cs Compass Model: This model expands upon the 4Cs by adding Comprehension (understanding the customer), Credibility (establishing trust), and Conviction (persuading the customer). It provides a more comprehensive framework for customer engagement and communication strategies.

  • SIVA Marketing Mix: SIVA stands for Solution, Information, Value, and Access. This model emphasises providing solutions to customer problems, delivering relevant information, offering value through benefits, and ensuring easy access to products or services. It is particularly relevant in markets where customer needs and preferences are diverse and dynamic.

  • SAVE Marketing Mix: SAVE stands for Solution, Access, Value and Education. This model is specifically designed for Saas companies that aim on building long lasting relationships with their clients. This marketing mix focuses mainly on educating (potential) clients to build a thought leadership position. 

As you can see there are countless marketing mixes out there for you to choose from. Unless you have a good understanding of the corporate identity your company should move forward with, choosing an existing marketing mix is a good way to go. Not only have they been tried and tested by 

Congratulations! You've just taken your first (essential) steps into marketing. There's much more to come, but with this base, you will be able to create a very good baseline for future forms of marketing. 

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash